Filter: Clear | Old | 1st Addition | 2nd Addition | 3rd Addition | Columbarium | QA 4x4 Ash Gardens | QC 2x2 Ash Gardens | QM Upright Memorial Section | Unknown
Ivan Earl Bennett
Date of Birth: | Place of Birth: |
2/7/1912 | Parsons, Tucker, WV |
Date of Death: | Place of Death: |
12/16/1951 | Portland, Multnomah, OR |
Section: | Block: | Plot: |
1st Addition | 4 | 16 |
Ivan Earl Bennett
BENNET—Funeral services for
the late Ivan Earl Bennett of
Stoller’s Funeral Chapel in charge of arrangements. Wife, Mrs. Florence Bennett, Camas and son,
Earl Bennett, Camas.
He was a veteran of World War II and the
funeral will be held with full military honors at graveside.
Columbian (Camas,
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