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Jackie Lynn Brink
Date of Birth:Place of Birth:
11/23/1965Vancouver, Clark, WA
Date of Death:Place of Death:
11/23/1965Vancouver, Clark, WA
Oak Grove Farm Cemetery44

Jackie Lynn Brink

Graveside services were held Fri., Nov. 26, at Fern Prairie Cemetery for twin infant daughters of Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brink of Rt. 1, Box 568, Washougal.  The Rev. Paul Anderson officiated.

The twin baby girls, Jackie Lynn and Janice Lou, were born Tues., Nov. 23, in a Vancouver hospital, and died there the same day.

Survivors besides their parents include two brothers, Melvin and David; one sister, Marijo, all at home; grandmother Mrs. Elida Brink of Salt Lake City; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Nevitt of Camas.

Post Record   Camas, Washougal, WA     01 Dec 1965     Page 3

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