Filter: Clear | Old | 1st Addition | 2nd Addition | 3rd Addition | Columbarium | QA 4x4 Ash Gardens | QC 2x2 Ash Gardens | QM Upright Memorial Section | Unknown
Thomas Edward Brown
Date of Birth: | Place of Birth: |
4/24/1867 | West Virginia |
Date of Death: | Place of Death: |
1/30/1916 | Vancouver, Clark, WA |
Section: | Block: | Plot: |
Oak Grove Farm Cemetery | 7 | 19 |
Thomas Brown
The Grim Reaper Carries of Resident of Fern Prairie
After a lingering illness from a
complication of diseases among which was heart trouble, Thomas E. Brown of Fern
Prairie passed away at
The funeral was to be held today at Fern Prairie.
Post Record (Camas, Washougal) 04 Feb 1916
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