Filter: Clear | Old | 1st Addition | 2nd Addition | 3rd Addition | Columbarium | QA 4x4 Ash Gardens | QC 2x2 Ash Gardens | QM Upright Memorial Section | Unknown
Larry Rober (Infant) Edwards
Date of Birth: | Place of Birth: |
6/6/1943 | Camas, Clark, WA |
Date of Death: | Place of Death: |
6/7/1943 | Camas, Clark, WA |
Section: | Block: | Plot: |
Oak Grove Farm Cemetery | 7 | 40 |
Graveside services were held Tuesday, June *, at Fern Prairie cemetery for Larry Roger Edwards, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Edwards. Rev. Helseth officiated and Swank’s funeral home was in charge.
child which was born June 6 and died the following day, is survived by its
parents and by two brothers, Robert and Ronald and by a sister Sharon.
Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Carredig, and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Edwards live at
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