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Martha Ann Brown Barnett
Date of Birth:Place of Birth:
8/26/1867Taney Co., MO
Date of Death:Place of Death:
2/21/1917Camas, Clark, WA
Oak Grove Farm Cemetery710


 The death of Mrs. Barnett, wife of G. W. Barnett who resides in the Woodburn district, occurred Wednesday night and followed a long period of illness extending back to last October.  Deceased was the mother of Braz Barnett of this city.  Funeral services were conducted yesterday followed by interment in the Fern Prairie Cemetery.

 Card of Thanks

 The undersigned wish to extend their thanks and express their appreciation to their friends and neighbors for kindly acts manifested towards them during the illness, death and funeral obsequies of wife and mother.

                                                             G. W. BARNETT

                                                            B. E.  BARNETT

                                                            MRS. ALICE DINGLE

                                                         MRS. BERTHA CARSON

 Camas Post     March 2, 1917     Page 3


Sources & Notes:

 Death Certificcate: Straub’s Funeral Records


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